Shuyu Lin received the UCLA ECE Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Research Award Finalist recognition.
May 2022
Shuyu Lin received the travel grant for the 241st ECS meeting in Vancouver.
May 2022
Shuyu Lin successfully defends his PhD Thesis. Congratulations Shuyu!
May 2022
Our recent paper titled "Wearable aptamer-field-effect transistor sensing system for noninvasive cortisol monitoring" was highlighted by BBC.
March 2022
Jialun Zhu joins I²BL and wins the ECE Graduate Fellowship!
October 2021
Our Summer Undergraduate Research Student team, led by Hannaneh Hojaiji, won the best poster award among 66 research groups in Samueli School of Engineering. Each of the students, Kim Kha, Enoch Huang, and Amanda Hacker also received a $750 monetary award and a certificate at the closing ceremoney.
August 2021
Shuyu Lin won the Dissertation Year Fellowship from UCLA Graduate Division
June 2021
Yichao Zhao, from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations!
June 2021
Hannaneh Hojaiji won the Distinguished Master's Thesis Research Award
June 2021
Hannaneh Hojaiji won the 2021 Samueli Excellence in Teaching Award.
June 2021
Kiarash AmirMozafariSabet joins I²BL and wins the ECE Graduate Fellowship!
March 2021
Haisong Lin successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
December 2020
Betto Cerrillos wins the prestigious Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers' Undergraduate (SHPE) Scholarship. Congratulations!
October 2019
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has announced the election of Professor Emaminejad as a Senior Member. NAI Senior Members are active faculty, scientists and administrators with success in patents, licensing and commercialization and have produced technologies that have brought, or aspire to bring, real impact on the welfare of society.
August 2019
I²BL is selected as a winner of the UCLA Health Innovation Challenge in the Medical Technology/Digital Health category. The program aims to support efforts geared at advancing long-lasting health and wellness solutions.
July 2019
Hannaneh Hojaiji wins The Best Poster Award in the UCLA ECE Annual Research Review.
March 2019
Professor Emaminejad received NSF CAREER Award to advance personalized medicine.
March 2019
ECE’s Professor Emaminejad receives PATHS-UP Innovation Seed Fund grant.
March 2019
Hannaneh Hojaiji receives special recognition of NSF's Honorable Mention.
March 2019
Hannaneh Hojaiji receives special recognition in the Honorable Mention List of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (Ford Foundation).
March 2019
Professor Emaminejad presents the roadmap for the future of wearable health and wellness monitoring technologies in the keynote session of UCLA's 2nd Annual Bioengineering Research Day.
February 2019
Shuyu Lin ranks first on preliminary examination of ECE department's PWE track.
January 2019
ECE’s Professor Emaminejad receives the University of Waterloo’s Young Alumni Achievement Medal.
November 2018
Professor Emaminejad is selected to participate in NAE’s 2018 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
June 2018
Hannaneh Hojaiji wins the Christina Huang Memorial Prize and Engineering Achievement Award.
June 2018
Hannaneh Hojaiji wins the Eugene V. Cota-Robles four-year fellowship.
May 2018
Hannaneh Hojaiji wins Madni Scholarship in Engineering.
March 2018
Professor Emaminejad gives an invited talk at Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications Conference, presenting the current status and challenges of wearable sweat-based performance monitoring, and highlighting the future rewarding opportunities ahead.
May 2018
I²BL wins the UCLA ECE Annual Research Review 2018 best project awards in all three categories: Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Presentations (graduate and undergraduate). Congratulations on this Hat-trick!
March 2018
Congratulations! I²BL receives a collaborative $1M grant from NSF to develop a non-invasive and wearable molecular diagnostic platform for remote and passive monitoring of patients at risk for sepsis.
August 2017
High school student, Roberto Frias, contributes to research and presents his poster.
August 2017
Andrew and Aaron Wilhelm present at Wireless Health Institute.
August 2017
The sweat sensor is the first step in what Professor Emaminejad hopes will become an “ecosystem of sensors” monitoring physiological signals in our blood, sweat, and urine. It’s also part of a broader revolution in “bioelectronics” that is helping to achieve faster, more accurate, and more convenient diagnoses.
April 23, 2017
“We realized if we wanted to find meaningful information from sweat, we needed to measure a bunch of things at the same time,” says Professor Emaminejad, assistant professor of electrical engineering at UCLA and Former Stanford postdoctoral scholar “The vision is to get as much data as possible.”
Jan 27, 2016