Professor Sam Emaminejad is an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at UCLA and the founder and director of the Interconnected & Integrated Bioelectronics Lab (I²BL). Sam received his BASc (2009) and MS/PhD (2011/2014) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and Stanford University, respectively. Prior to joining UCLA, he was a joint-postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley and Stanford School of Medicine. Professor Emaminejad has received numerous honors and awards including the NSF CAREER, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) scholarship, Microsoft Merit, the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation’s NARSAD Young Investigator award, and PhRMA Research Starter Grant (Translational Medicine and Therapeutics Program). Also, he has been awarded a “Distinguished Young Investigator Award” for leading a multi-center program on remote patient monitoring with UCLA, Intermountain Healthcare and Stanford School of Medicine.


Xuanbing Cheng
Materials Science & Engineering

Kuanming Yao
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Hannaneh Hojaiji
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Kiarash A. Sabet
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jiawei Tan
Materials Science & Engineering

Jialun Zhu
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Zongqi Li
Materials Science & Engineering

Kaiji Zhang
Materials Science & Engineering

Mohammadreza Bahramian
Mechanical Engineering

Jiarui Cui
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Alireza Mohseni
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Zee Lake

Ian Chen

Toby Gajar

Murtadha Al Msari (Zayn)

James Kraynik

Kyle Nishimura

Yifu Li

Dominic Gully

Jared Aquino

Rumaysa Ahmad

David Perlman

Dibyesh Ganguly

James Moore

Amanda Hacker

Matthew Fiorella

Harika Eranki

Jayhee Seo
Post-Graduates & Graduate Students
Dr. Bo Wang
Dr. Yichao Zhao
Dr. Haisong Lin
Dr. Shuyu Lin
Dr. Wenzhuo Yu
Vaibhav Gupta
Melvin Prasetyo
Max Gong (Maxim Integrated)
Zhaoqing Wang (Columbia University, PhD)
Christopher Yeung (UCLA, Material Science)
Tsung-Yu Wu
Yu Cao
Undergrad & High School
Jacob Matiyevsky
Evelina Gromilina
Sarah Forman
Utkarsh Kumar
Pritesh Patel
Sameera Puri
Eric Chakhoyan
Justin Yeung
Ryan Lee
Rohan Kumar
Cyrus Wong
William Shih
William Yao
Mudith Mallajosyula
Betto Cerrillos
Jorge De Dios Suarez
Xu He
Harish Athavan
Aaron Wilhelm
Andrew Wilhelm
Stephanie Tamayosa
Brittany Ham
Siyang Yang (Texas A&M University, MS)
Chester Hulse (UCLA)
Kimber King
Nathan Chen (NVIDIA)
Minali Karapetian
Sumiran Singh (UC Berkeley, Undergraduate)
Maguire Papay
Kim Kha
Enoch Huang
Benjamin Sigal
Ben Yang
Gary Su
Mengyu Zhang
Dyala Omar
Ryan Chaiyakul
Francisco Sebastiano
Howard Ji
Julien Bao
Veronica Huang
Saishriya Sathya Narayanan
Shruthi Sathya Narayanan
Evrim Ozcan (Brown University, Undergraduate)
Amir Mohammad Hojaiji
Rona Darabi (UC San Diego, Undergraduate)
Kamyar Salahi (UC Berkeley, Undergraduate)
Phoenix Stout
Sina Moshfeghi
Roberto Frias
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
We seek outstanding and motivated postdoctoral applicants with relevant expertise and knowledge in biochemistry, molecular biology, assay development, microfluidics and device fabrication. Applicants are expected to hold a PhD and have a track record of high quality publications in their field of research. Applications should be emailed to Prof. Emaminejad. In the application, the following documents should be assembled as a single PDF file: 1) a cover letter describing research interests and goals, 2) a CV containing the full list of the applicant’s publications and 3) the names and contact information of three references (expected to provide letters of recommendation). Additionally, copies of up to three relevant scientific publications must be included in the email.
Prospective Graduate Students
We have openings for exceptional and motivated graduate student researchers. Applicants must apply through the UCLA Electrical Engineering admission website. Admitted students from other relevant departments (Mechanical, Chemical, Materials Science and Bio- engineering) are also welcome to apply. Applications should be emailed as a single PDF file and should contain: 1) personal statement, 2) a resume, 3) undergraduate (and if applicable, graduate) transcript and 4) a list and description of relevant engineering projects or publications.
Undergraduate Students
Motivated and talented UCLA undergraduate students with passion for research are always welcome in our lab. Applications should be emailed to Prof. Emaminejad and should contain: 1) a short description of research interests and goals, 2) a current transcript, 3) a resume and 4) a list and description of relevant engineering projects.